I'll be glad to answer your questions!
There’s no accounting for taste, so this is basically a matter of being in the know. To complete the first “R,” you need to know what the people want before they do.
Pricing is a science few have mastered, but all have attempted. The price needs to match the perceived value created by all of the other factors: the product itself, the people who will buy it, the timeliness of its debut and the lifestyle it represents.
Once you have your product, you have to make sure the right people are seeing it.
You have to make the people want what you have, and the only way to do that is by painting the picture for them.
In this industry, it’s critical to strike when the iron’s hot. The right people are not looking for stores who are riding on the coattails of others, they want to be the first people to have it and they want it available when they want it.